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article by edem


Easter, which will be commemorated starting from Friday April 10th, 2020 to Monday April 13th, 2020 is one of the essential holidays on the Christian religion calendar. The sacred day, honouring the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, is usually observed with special worship services, Church conventions (Camping) and wrap up the celebration with picnics for loved ones.

However, this year seems to be exceptional, the beloved traditions and norms have been halted to pave way for us to observe protocols pertaining to the novel COVID-19 pandemic, which includes bans on large crowd gatherings, keep 2 meters social distance from one another, and stay-at-home orders. Government has put necessary measures in place to cater for the citizenry, the poor and the vulnerable ones in society.

Here are some of the innovative ideals that City officials, and clergymen are employing to ensure this year’s Easter celebration be exquisite to all.


Starting from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, families typically adorn in their finest outfit and head to worship mass services. Unfortunately, in-person attendance will not be possible this year. To make up for it, Churches nationwide are getting innovative and going digital. Many will live-stream their services on YouTube or Facebook, allowing congregants to view and participate from the comfort of their homes.


While Easter conventions, camping , in-person Easter brunches and picnics with loved ones will not be possible. Many closed relatives are hosting virtual meals via video calls on online platforms such as Zoom, Skype and WhatsApp.

Others are setting up portals on social media sites like Facebook to continue with Easter traditions such as Station of the cross with their moderators who live elsewhere. Meanwhile, some churches, food eateries, canteens and restaurants have been contracted by government to cook sumptuous meals which can be picked up curbside or delivered to the homeless, and the needy.

Finally, as the pandemic seems to be spreading fast and taking lives. I therefore urge all to observe the protocols profoundly. Lets all stay indoors, wash our hands often with antiseptic soaps under running water . Drink more water, eat balanced diet well , have enough sleep and above all if you are feeling feverish, please call the COVID -19 hotlines and seek for medical advice. Don't go out if you do not have any peculiar business in town. I will end my write up on this quote from the President of the land, “these are not ordinary time, Stay home and don't panic. This too shall pass."


Edem Latsu Nukafu

National Youth Authority

(Public Relations Department)


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